Insider Tale # 09E - AAIIT1.09E A foot-march & the auction of shoes which helped to found a university
Insider Stories related to Indian History, Indian Culture, Indian Food & Bollywood
In this episode, you’re going to hear the fascinating tale of the auction of the shoes of a ruler of an Indian princely state and a foot-march which contributed to the founding of a university in the early 20th century in Varanasi, in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. And if you stay till the end, you can learn a useful Hindi phrase, as well. Its Hindi version’s transcript, which has expressions with their meanings and worksheets based on it, can be downloaded after becoming a Patron from - or You can join our Facebook page to share stories & travel tips related to India & give feedback - link: To take a free trial for online Hindi lessons visit: https://learnhindischool
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